About Literacy Launchpad
In response to the literacy challenges faced by children in Central Oregon and the unfortunate disruption to education caused by the Covid pandemic. Many students in our community have experienced setbacks in their reading development, with vulnerable populations, including low-income families, English language learners, and students with disabilities being disproportionately affected.
Statewide data suggests that during the pandemic, students in younger grades, particularly those in the early stages of literacy development, saw the most significant declines in reading proficiency.
As a result, many students in Central Oregon fell behind in reading benchmarks, and the gap widened for those who were already struggling with literacy before the pandemic. Teachers have reported that students often exhibit reading skills below their grade level, requiring additional support and interventions to catch up.
Literacy Launchpad has set specific goals to make a measurable impact on the lives of struggling readers. Our primary aim is to sponsor at least one class of five students each year, focusing on a different grade level annually. By concentrating our efforts on a small group of students each year, we can provide intensive support and resources tailored to their specific learning challenges, maximizing our impact on their reading skills and overall academic growth.
The cost to sponsor a class through Elevate Reading Center is $22,000 for a comprehensive 10-month literacy program, which breaks down to $2,200 per month. This funding covers not just tuition but also the books, learning materials, tutoring, and any other necessary support that will help these students reach grade-level reading proficiency. While our current goal is to start with one class of five students, our long-term vision is to grow year over year, increasing the number of students we serve and, in turn, creating a larger ripple effect in our community.
By providing consistent and comprehensive literacy support, Literacy Launchpad is committed to breaking down the barriers that prevent students from reaching their full potential, giving them the foundation they need to succeed in school and beyond. We aim to foster a love for reading, strengthen academic skills, and empower every student we reach with the confidence to overcome any challenge in life. Each student we support is a step toward a brighter future, not only for them but for the wider Central Oregon community.